
Clarify your purpose and direction, and personalize your strategic plan.

Clarify your purpose and execute your plan today!

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What you will learn from this Blueprint...

Clarify your purpose in life!

3 Key Outcomes:

  • Clarify your purpose based on your values and interests.

  • Focus on your highest priorities.

  • Maximize your investments in time and energy where you’ll make the most significant impact.

How It Works:

  • Define your personal Objectives and Key Results so you have clear direction.

  • See your Superpowers so you know where to focus for maximum impact.

  • Leverage the power of feedback so you have an objective view of your strengths and weaknesses.

About The Author

Dylan Cornelius was confused. His Mom had always told him he could do anything he wanted. He could even be president of the United States.

That was mildly inspiring, and he'd always done what he was told: get good grades, go to college, get a good job, and be a good employee, team member, manager, husband, and father. 

Despite college, grad school, certifications, and a great job, he'd been passed over for promotions four times in three years. His brother told him to do something about it or quit complaining. It had been five years.

He realized how long he'd been frustrated and burned out from working in big businesses, helping them execute their strategic plans, and mostly ignoring his personal goals and priorities. 

After leading large teams and driving $40 million in revenues and expenses for some of the best businesses in the world, he began to consider what would happen if he put that expertise to work for himself. 

If it worked for Best Buy, Oracle, IBM, Accenture, and Dun & Bradstreet, couldn't it work for him too?

After struggling with relationship and work-life problems, he turned his career and relationships around when he committed to creating fantastic relationships and building high-performing teams in every area, at home and at work.

When he discovered his purpose in life, everything began making more sense. He has devoted his life to creating a world that works for everyone by helping hard-working knowledge workers find their purpose, step into strategic leadership, and develop fantastic relationships and high-performing teams supporting them as they prioritize their most important goals.

In the process, he created and improved the Strategy Acceleration Roadmap with his clients. It's a choose-your-own-adventure story for your life and career!

You can start with the Personal Purpose Blueprint today.

Here's what people are saying...

"It’s been the best two months of my life. I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t have this. It’s made a huge difference."

Karen W. ~ Community Manager

"I'd recommend Dylan to any person or organization who's trying to improve and deliver bigger results on an ongoing basis."

Gracie V. ~ Executive Assistant

"When we had conversations, I left feeling powerful, like the only possible outcome is achievement of the goal, like failing isn't possible."

Latha K. ~ Project Manager

"I found Dylan to be a leader in adopting new ways of doing things and helping others to see how to adopt new methods."

Lindsay E. ~ Financial Analyst

"Dylan works very well with all people. He quickly figures out what support a person needs and gives it to them."

John K. ~ Compliance Analyst

"I have taken leadership training over the years, and what Dylan showed me on a 30-minute call was worth thousands of dollars."

Glenn V. ~ Head Speed and Strength Coach

"Dylan, there are a lot of people in your space, but you're actually good at it."

Brian M. ~ President

Copyright 2021-2025 Dylan Cornelius Management, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Contact me: [email protected]